I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have purchased items from our growers.And, I would like to thank the growers who have actively participated in the on-line market.

At this time, I am going to suspend the market for the hot months and will restart it in November. This will allow me to attract more suppliers, growers and customers.

If you know of local business or individuals producing or procuring local fruit, vegetables, crafts, eggs, meats, etc. please let them know what is coming and ask them to contact me for more information. Sue 727-255-1215 or blackcatgrowers13@gmail.com.

See you in the fall.

There is not a Membership fee currently. In order to cover costs of the market a $2.00 service fee will be charged monthly and added to your first order of the month.

Please make sure you received a confirmation email that validates we received you order. Print your email as your receipt and to double check your order at pick-up.

The Market Managers have temporarily disabled ordering at this market.

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